ADVANCE Midwest Partnership Dissemination Guidelines.
Conference Presentations
Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Johnson, C.A., Koretsky, C. & Minerick, A. (2023). External Promotion and Tenure Review Letters at Research-Intensive Institutions: Recommendations to Minimize Bias. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 14, 2023, San Francisco, CA. Abstract.
Cervato, C., Johnson, C.A., Minerick, A., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C., & Kremer, G. (2023). The promising practice of cross-institutional collaborations to combat bias. ARC Equity in STEM Conference, Experience Report, June 7, 2023, Durham, NC.
Petcovic, H. L., Bertman, S., & Koretsky, C. (2023). Advocates and Allies: Men champions for gender equity ADVANCEing the inclusion of women faculty in STEM. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 55(3), doi: 10.1130/abs/2023NC-386978
Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C., Kremer, G., & Minerick, A. (2023). Building an equitable department where faculty want to work and stay. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Workshop, March 3, 2023.
Minerick, A., Cervato, C., Cockrell, M., Bilen-Green, C., & Koretsky, C. (2023). External review letters for promotion and tenure decisions at research-
intensive institutions: An analysis of the content of template letters for bias and recommendations for inclusive language. Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity, February 27, 2023.
Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C., Kremer, G., & Minerick, A. (2023). Cross-Institutional Department Chair Professional Development Program at Midwestern Research Institutions. American Association of Colleges & Universities Annual Meeting, Discussion, January 20, 2023.
Minerick, A.R., Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C. & Rouleau, M. (2022). Cross-Institutional Mentoring Communities: a virtual mentoring model during COVID-19. University of New Mexico 15th Annual Mentoring Conference, October 26, 2022.
Cervato, C., Minerick, A., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C., Courtney, D., Hrivnyak, M., Kremer, G., Goltz, S., Peterson, S., Petcovic, H., Sotirin, P., Wahl, D. & Wingate, L. (2022). ADVANCE Midwest Partnership: How to build a collaborative, cross-institutional partnership. Poster Showcase, 2022 Equity in STEM Community Convening, Washington, DC, May 31-June 3, 2022.
Goltz, S., Sotirin, P., & Green, R. (2022). Rationale for a Midwest Partnership: Regional Issues and Shared Commitments to Faculty DEIA. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022.
Minerick, A. (2022). Leveraging Support and Professional Development Across Institutions through Cross-Institutional Mentoring Communities. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022.
Koretsky, C., Courtney, D., Hrvinyak, M. & Petcovic, H. (2022). Overcoming Bias and Underrepresentation in STEM: Perspectives from the Cross-Institutional Women’s Caucus. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022.
Okudan Kremer, G., Peterson, S., Petcovic, H., Cervato, C., Minerick, A., Bratsch-Prince, D., Powell Coffman, J.A., & Wei, M. (2022). Come Together: Implementing Cross-Institutional Professional Development for Department Chairs on Building More Equitable Departments. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022.
Wahl, D. (2022). Enacting Change through Film Events. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022.
Invited Presentations
Cervato C. (2024). External Promotion and Tenure Review Letters at Research-Intensive Institutions: Recommendations to Minimize Bias. AIM Network, April 9.
Bilen-Green, C. (2023). ADVANCE Partnership - Joining Forces: Career Advancement and Gender Equity Programs. Stevens Institute of Technology, April.
Minerick, A. (2023). Cross-Institutional Mentoring Communities and the ADVANCE Midwest Partnership. AIM Network, November 28.
Conference Sessions
Hogan, J., Cervato, C., McQuillan, J. & Templer Rodriguez, A. (2024). ADVANCE-ing Equity in Faculty Ranks. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA, April 4-7, 2024. Panel.
Koretsky, C., Petcovic, H. & Peterson, S., Panelists (2022). JOINING FORCES: A cross-institutional Midwest partnership in support of STEM women of color and women with family caregiving responsibilities. Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Annual Meeting, November 2-5, 2022, Washington, DC. Panel.
Cervato, C., Organizer (2022). Joining Forces: creating a collaborative institutional culture to support STEM women of color and women with family responsibilities through the NSF-funded ADVANCE Partnership of four midwestern research universities. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022. Closed Paper Session.
Goltz, S. & Sotirin, P., Organizers (2022). Joining Forces: disseminating the Integrated Equity Support package of initiatives developed and implemented through the NSF-funded ADVANCE Midwest Partnership. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 13-17, 2022. Panel.
Cervato, C., Peterson, S., Johnson, C.A., Bilen Green, C., Koretsky, C., Minerick, A. & Okudan Kremer, G. (2024). Department chairs as change agents: A virtual, cross-institutional professional development model for chairs. Innovative Higher Education, .
Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Cockrell, M., Johnson, C.A., Koretsky, C. & Minerick, A. (2024). External Review Letters in Promotion and Tenure: Recommendations for Department Chairs. The Department Chair, Spring 2024, 14-16.
Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Cockrell, M., Johnson, C.A., Koretsky, C. & Minerick, A. (2024). Review of External Promotion and Tenure Review Letters. ADVANCE Journal, 2(4). Article. Visual summary.
Minerick, A.R., Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C. & Rouleau, M. (2022). Cross-Institutional Mentoring Communities: a virtual mentoring model during COVID-19. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, v. 6, Special Issue 15, 812-816. pdf.
Cervato, C., Bilen-Green, C., Koretsky, C., Minerick, A., Wahl, D., Burnett, A., Wingate, L., Green, R., Raman, R., Okudan-Kremer, G. Goltz, S. & Sotirin, P. (2022). Creating a collaborative cross-institutional culture to support STEM women of color and women with family responsibilities at four midwestern research institutions. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting, Proceedings Paper #36476, 22 pp.
Minerick, A., Cervato, C., Goltz, S. Bilen-Green, C., Rouleau, M., Wahl, D. & Sotirin, P. (2022). Cross-Institutional Mentoring Communities Program. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting, Proceedings Paper # 37576, 19 pp.
Burnett, A., Wahl, D., Wingate, L. & Wojick, C. (2021). I Am: More Than a Checkbox. EvaluATE, ATE Evaluation Resource Hub, Blog posted on December 1, 2021.
Wahl, D.W. (2022). Unexplored Territory: Conducting Qualitative Research in the Covid-19 Era. SAGE Research Methods. Accepted.